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Showing posts with label Cheat of game. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2015

Cara Cheat Fallout 3 dengan Console

Cara Cheat Fallout 3 dengan Console - Bagi anda penggemar Fallout 3 yang bermain dengan komputer, ada beberapa cheat yang bisa kalian pakai, bagi yang suka tentunya hehehe. Karena yang yang gak suka biasanya orang nya perfectsionis, sedangkan yang suka pakai cheat biasanya orangnya k gak sabar ingin terburu-buru hahaha, tapi semua itu cuma opini. Nah disini saya akan bagikan Cara Cheat Fallout 3 dengan Console dari PC gamer berikut :

Cara Cheat Fallout 3 dengan Console

Baca Juga :
Cara mengatasi crash pada Fallout 3

Anda jalankan perintah console pada game Fallout 4 dengan menekan ~ ( tanda cacing ini) dan ketik perintah ini dengan diakhiri enter :

player.setlevel # = changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.

modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # = changes the chosen stat by adding the given number. e.g. lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8.

tgm = God Mode

tcl = No clipping mode

tmm 1 = All mapmarkers

player.setav <S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> # = Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)

player.setav <SKILL> # = Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.

player.additem 0000000F "XXX" = Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want.

addspecialpoints # = add # special points

setspecialpoints # = set the number of special points to #

rewardKarma # = reward # karma points to player

getXPfornextlevel = displays xp needed for next level

GetQuestCompleted = complete current quest

tfc = toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)

tm turns = off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots)

unlock = Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.

movetoqt = Moves the player to the current quest marker

advlevel = Advance one level

rewardxp xxx = Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive

Kill = Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode

showracemenu = open the character creation screen

player.modav skill # = Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
player.modav carryweight # = Permanently modifies players max weight.

player.modav actionpoints # = Permanently modifies players max action points.

DisableAllMines = Disables mines

GetQuestComplete/GetQC = Complete all quest items

SexChange = Go ahead, be a transvestite, i won't ask any questions

SetPCYoung = Everyone wants to be a kid again!

ResetQuest = Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing?

CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest = Complete quest objectives

player.modScale <1 or -1> = Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal

ShowNameMenu = Change your name for free, no court fees!

player.ForceAV <amount> = Directly set your skill values.

EnablePlayerControls = Move around during "locked" cinematics

player.PlaceAtMe <objectID> = I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money)

CloseAllMenus = Just in case...

MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt <optional: questID> = Warp to your quest' target location

resurrect = revives dead target

set timescale to # = Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.

TT = Toggle on/off trees.

TG = Toggle on/off grass.

SetEssential <ID> 1 = Sets the NPC as essential.

Killall = Kills everyone in the area, if you are outside it kills everything outside.

SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 = Allows player to wear Brotherhood of Steel armor without the training prerequisite.

setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### = Sets the maximum level that your character can reach through experience gain. Replace the ### with the desired maximum


tcai = Disables enemy AI, enemies stand still and do not fire back.
save fred 1 = Opens a text file with all objects (items, npcs, props) and their corresponding ID Form codes (unique for every savegame)

setessential 6a772 1 = Dogmeat is marked Essential (Unkillable)

setgs fJumpHeightMin # = Changes how high your player will jump. Replace the # with the desired height. (default = 64)

activate = Activates the last door you clicked on in the console that is locked but needed to be opened from another place. (doors that unlock doesn't work on)

player.removeitem <ObjectID> "XXX" = Removes "XXX" number of items from your inventory of <ObjectID> type. Useful for removing quest flagged items

Removeallitems = Remove all the Weapons and Cloths from Selected NPC (inc kids!)

TWF = toggle wirefram mode on/off

GetPos X = view selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it)

SetPos X = set selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it)

showinventory = shows all items and their id's, of the selected target, in the console (click an object while in the console to select it)

EquipItem <item_id> = if the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be equipped

UnEquipItem <item_id> = if the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be unequipped

agerace # = Ages the targetted character with 1, and de-ages them with -1

player.agerace # = Ages yourself with 1, and de-ages you with -1

setgs fMoveRunMult # = Changes run speed. Replace the # with the desired speed. (default = 4)

SetBarterGold [amount] = Sets how much an NPC has to trade with

coc [Cell ID] = Center on cell. Teleports you to the cell you specify.

cam = Closes all open menus

GetAVInfo [Actor Value] = Gets info on the selected targers value (such as getavinfo luck)

disableallmines = Disables all mines allowing you to pick them up, without them blowing up.

tcai = Toggles ONLY combat AI on/off. AI will still be active, but enemies will not attack.

tai = Toggles AI processing on/off. Freezes the AI

QQQ = Quits the game fast with no promps

save [name] = Saves your game with a custom save name.

load [name] = Loads a saved game.

PRID [name] = Selects an object. Useful for selecting yourself in first person view (use 'PRID player").

setactorfullname "Firstname Lastname" (Use the quotes if the name has spaces) = Sets the name of the selected NPC. Use "player.setactorfull name" to change your

character's name. Last name (and any further spaces) optional.

pcb = Purge cell buffer, which frees up memory if you have lots of cells loaded, increasing performance.

tsb [number] = Allows you to add blood to your screen. Higher numbers make more blood spots. 0 = none.

fov [1-180] = Allows you to change your field of view (by angle)

Player.MatchFaceGeometry # = Matches the geometry of another NPCs face

setscale # = Changes size of any targeted object/NPC. Replace # with a number between -10 and 10. Default size is 1.

coc megatoncommonhouse = Warp Back

coc testqaitems = Warp to Room with All Items

player.moveto # = Moves you to the specified NPC.

player.setav damageresist ## = Set the percentage of physical (Gunshot or melee) damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])

player.setav critchance ## = Set the percent chance to score a critical hit when inflicting damage. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])

player.setav radresist ## = Set the percentage of radiation absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])

player.setav fireresist ## = Set the percentage of fire damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])

player.setav poisonresist ## = Set the percentage of poison damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])

player.setav meleedamage ## = Set the melee damage inflicted by your character. (Note, other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired

damage in place of ##)

player.setav unarmeddamage ## = Set the unarmed damage inflicted by your character. (Other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired

damage in place of ##)

exit vats = roll credits/end gameplay

Setownership = Gives player ownership of selected item

Resethealth = Select player, or NPC and acts as a full heal

player.placeatme = Allows you to spawn any NPC next to you.

player.modav health # = Permanently modifies players max hp

tmg = View some polygons and boxes of collisions.

addachievement xx = Gives achievement with the number you put in(1-53) ex. addachievement 23

SetGS fPickPocketMaxChance 100 = This code breaks the hard-coded 85% pick pocket success chance

SetGS fPickPocketActorSkillMult 100 = Multiplies Pick pocket skill by 100

Player.AddItem 2937e 500 = Ammo for Instant-Kill Magnum

Player.AddItem 50f92 1,100 = Secret Weapon: Instant-Kill Magnum

SetGS fVATSDistanceFactor 0.0001 = Makes V.A.T.S incredibly perfect when it comes to aiming.

SetGS fLockSkillBase 100 = Sets the base force for lock breaking to 100% so that you can open any lock by forcing it.

player.srm = Free repair up to your repair level

Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100 = Restores equiped weapon to 100%

setgs fmovesneakmult * = Speed up SNEAK MODE * = speed times this number

Friday, November 13, 2015

Cara Cheat Fallout 4 dengan Console

Cara Cheat Fallout 4 dengan Console - Bagi anda penggemar Fallout 4 yang bermain dengan komputer, ada beberapa cheat yang bisa kalian pakai, bagi yang suka tentunya hehehe. Karena yang yang gak suka biasanya orang nya perfectsionis, sedangkan yang suka pakai cheat biasanya orangnya k gak sabar ingin terburu-buru hahaha, tapi semua itu cuma opini. Nah disini saya akan bagikan Cara Cheat Fallout 4 dengan Console dari PC gamer berikut :

Baca juga :

Anda jalankan perintah console pada game Fallout 4 dengan menekan ~ ( tanda cacing ini) dan ketik perintah ini dengan diakhiri enter :

tgm — Good old god mode.

tcl — Tidak ada tabrakan. Berjalan bisa menembus dinding. Berjalan ke langit. Bebas pokoknya.

tai — Turn AI off dan menyebabkan semua orang untuk berdiri diam dengan pandangan kosong di wajah mereka.

tcai — Turns combat AI off. Brings peace to the world. Boring, boring peace.

killall — Membunuh semua orang di sekitarnya, kecuali sahabat dan karakter lain yang dianggap terlalu penting untuk mati. Dalam hal bahwa mereka akan terjatuh ke bawah terluka sampai Anda memberi mereka sebuah stimpack .

kill [insert ID] — Membunuh makhluk dengan ID Anda . Jenis kill (0017fda3)  dan dimanapun mereka berada, ghoul liar  akan pada mati.

resurrect [insert ID] — Brings the creature with the ID you supply back to life. Type resurrect (0017fda3) to bring the feral ghoul I tested this on back to life! He's having a torrid day.

setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number here] — Memodifikasi cara melompat Anda. Mengatur lompatan dengan sangat tinggi bisa ke kubah di atas bangunan seperti Incredible Hulk. Peringatan, jika Anda tidak mengaktifkan modus dewa, jika anda terjatuh maka bisa mati alias bunuh diri.

Cara Cheat Fallout 4 dengan Console

Fallout 4 jumping I dapat melihat rumah saya dari sini!

player.setav speedmult [insert number here] — Angka yang Anda ketik untuk menambahkan multiplier untuk kecepatan lari Anda, dengan konsekuensi yang lucu hahaha. Gunakan dalam kombinasi dengan modus dewa dan perintah berikutnya untuk pergi dengan superhero penuh.

tfc — Mengaktifkan flycam. Flycam adalah perintah  jika Anda ingin mendapatkan screenshot yang baik.

tm — Toggles menus and UI on and off. It even stops you from seeing the console, so you'll have to press tilde and type tm again blind to get the UI back.

setscale [number from 1 to 10] — Membuat Anda menjadi besar atau target Anda yang besar.

Cara Cheat Fallout 4 dengan Console

sexchange — You'll never guess.

player/additem 0000000f [insert number here] — Menambahkan bottlecaps  dengan jumlah yang Anda tentukan.

player/additem 0000000a [insert number here] — Adds bobbypins equal to the number you specify.

player.additem [insert item ID here] [insert number here] — You may have noticed a pattern in the last two commands. Yes, you can add ANY item to your inventory this way as long as you know the item ID. The next command can help you find item IDs.

coc qasmoke — This teleports you to a room with a number of boxes that contain every single item in the game. Surreal, but a good way to find item IDs. You can find an item ID by entering the console and clicking on the item in the game world with your mouse. It turns out that Dogmeat's real name is 0001d162. Alternatively, community wikis will have listed every item ID within a few days.
Fallout 4 boxes of everything What do you give the box that has everything?

set timescale to [insert number here]  — Speeds up or slows down time. The default setting is 16. 1 is realtime, 10,000 is crazy spectacular timelapse. Be sure to look when time's on fast forward because the sun and the moon actually bounce across the sky.

tdetect — The AI won't detect you anymore. Steal to your heart's content.

player.modav [skill] [number] — Boost a skill by a numerical amount of your choosing. Eg. player.modav strength 10 will boost your strength by ten points. If there's a terminal you'd love to hack or an NPC you'd love to persuade, use this.

player.setlevel [insert number] — Boost your level to the number specified.

caqs — This completes every step of the primary quest, effectively completing the game for you. WARNING: that.Don't it if you want to avoid spoiling the entire game for yourself.

Sekian Cara Cheat Fallout 4 dengan Console

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cheat Grand Theft Auto Terbaru Versi Desktop

Cheat Grand Theft Auto Terbaru Versi Desktop - jika teman - teman semua pada main Game PC khususnya game GTA , alhamdlilla pada postingan saya kali ini, saya akan memberikan , beberapa cheat dari game ini, berikut kodenya :

Cheat Grand Theft Auto Terbaru Versi Desktop
Cheat Grand Theft Auto Terbaru Versi Desktop
All Cars Have NitroSPEEDFREAK
Cars Float Away When HitBUBBLECARS
Elvis is EverywhereBLUESUEDESHOES
Faster GameplaySPEEDITUP
Funhouse ThemeCRAZYTOWN
Gang Members EverywhereONLYHOMIESALLOWED
Gangs Control the StreetsBIFBUZZ
Infinite Ammo, No ReloadFULLCLIP
Max All Vehicle Skill StatsNATURALTALENT
No Wanted LevelTesteducationalskills
Recruit Anyone (Rockets)ROCKETMAYHEM
Reduced TrafficGHOSTTOWN
Six Star Wanted LevelBRINGITON
Slower GameplaySLOWITDOWN
Spawn HunterOHDUDE
Spawn HydraJUMPJET
Spawn TrashmasterTRUEGRIME
Traffic is Cheap CarsEVERYONEISPOOR
Traffic is Fast CarsEVERYONEISRICH
Very Sunny WeatherTOODAMNHOT

Ketikkan Kode Acak Cheatnya.

Adrenaline ModeMUNASEF
Aggressive DriversYLTEICZ
All Cars Explodeallcarsgoboom
All Cars Have NitroCOXEFGU
All green lightsZEIIVG
Always MidnightXJVSNAJ
Beach PartyCIKGCGX
Black trafficIOWDLAC
Blow Up All CarsCPKTNWT
Cars Drive On WaterRLMJHSC
Cars Float Away When HitBSXSGGC
Clear Wanted LevelASNAEB
Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck OutfitBMTPWHR
Elvis is EverywhereASBHGRB
Everyone Has PistolAGENTCITY
Everyone is armedFOOOXFT
Everyone Is Fire FigthersBURNINGDESIRE
Everyone Is PoliceBUSTEDLIFE
Faster ClockYSOHNUL
Faster GameplayPPGWJHT
Foggy WeatherCFVFGMJ
Full Weapon Aiming While DrivingOUIQDMW
Funhouse ThemePRIEBJ
Gang Members EverywhereMROEMZH
Gangs Control the StreetsMROEMZH
Have a bounty on your headBAGOWPG
Have a Machine GunDEATHGUN
Have JetpackYECGAA
Have ParachuteAIYPWZQP
Health, Armor, $250kHESOYAM
Hitman In All Weapon StatsNCSGDAG
Huge Bunny HopJHJOECW
Increase Wanted Level Two StarsOSRBLHH
Infinite Ammo, No ReloadWANRLTW
Infinite Health, except for explosions and fallsCAINEMVHZC
Infinite OxygenCVWKXAM
Invisible carXICWMD
Large Health BoostBAGUVIX
Max RespectOGXSDAG
Max Sex AppealEHIBXQS
Never Get HungryAEDUWNV
Never WantedAEZAKMI
Orange Sky 21:00OFVIAC
Overcast WeatherALNSFMZO
Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf ClubAJLOJYQY
Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket LauncherBGLUAWML
Perfect HandlingPGGOMOY
Pink trafficLLQPFBN
Rainy WeatherAUIFRVQS
Recruit Anyone (9mm)SJMAHPE
Recruit Anyone (Rockets)ZSOXFSQ
Reduced TrafficTHGLOJ
Six Star Wanted LevelLJSPQK
Slower GameplayLIYOAAY
Slut MagnetBEKKNQV
Smash n' BoomJCNRUAD
Spawn BallasMDFDSG
Spawn Bloodring BangerCQZIJMB
Spawn CaddyRZHSUEW
Spawn DozerEEGCYXT
Spawn Gang MembersGROVELIFE
Spawn HunterOHDUDE
Spawn HydraJUMPJET
Spawn MonsterAGBDLCID
Spawn RacecarPDNEJOH
Spawn RacecarVPJTQWV
Spawn RancherJQNTDMH
Spawn RomeroAQTBCODX
Spawn SanchezDIRTBIKEZ
Spawn StretchKRIJEBR
Spawn Stunt PlaneURKQSRK
Spawn Tanker TruckAMOMHRER
Spawn TrashmasterUBHYZHQ
Spawn Vortex HovercraftKGGGDKP
Sunny WeatherAFZLLQLL
Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny HopVKYPQCF
Traffic is Cheap CarsBGKGTJH
Traffic is Country VehiclesFVTMNBZ
Traffic is Fast CarsGUSNHDE
Very Sunny WeatherICIKPYH
Weapon Set 1, Thug's ToolsLXGIWYL
Weapon Set 2, Professional ToolsKJKSZPJ
Weapon Set 3, Nutter ToolsUZUMYMW

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